Societies Developed In The Far West Essay

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The West had a colorful mixture of Indians, Hispanics, Chinese, as well as Anglo-Americans, and each had developed societies; however, most were dominated and controlled by the Anglo-Americans. Many societies encountered racial conflicts as races defined who is higher in the social hierarchy than the other. The increased migration to the West was the cause of the changing western economy. West became more intimately tied with the industrial economy of the East as mining, ranching, and other economic activities grew in the West. As East became more involved in the West, romance of the West bloomed. Easterners were attracted to the freedom and opportunities that the West seem to provide the Americans. However, to them, the Indians were an obstacle …show more content…

For a moment, farmers in America experienced prosperity; however, in the 1880s, farmers were experiencing agricultural decline as crop prices fell and production costs rose, ending their prosperous days. For each section below answer the question/s in essay format making sure you include the topics in the green inserts in Brinkley. THE SOCIETIES OF THE FAR WEST 1. What different societies developed in the “Far West,” what were their experiences and how did they adapt? In the “Far West”, Western Indian, Hispanic, and Chinese societies developed. Western indians consisted of eastern indians such as the Creeks and the Cherokees who were pushed into the west by the Americans and the western tribes who were originally there, such as the Chinook and the Serrano. These western tribes experienced drastic decline of their population because of the Spanish and the Mexican settlers. However, some indians were able to live within the hispanic societies as well as live in their own indian communities. The intimate trading relationship between the hispanics and the indians proved to be the production of alliances between them. The Spanish and later the Mexicans created a caste system in which every one had a place in