The Role Of Individualism In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Society is an aggregate of culture, religion, and social interactions shared by a group of people. In George Orwell’s fictional allegorical novella, Animal Farm, The animals reform themselves by rebelling against humans. Their new governmental system eventually lead to further corruption. This novella is based on the history of the Russian Revolution when the Bolsheviks revolted against the government of Czar Nicholas II. This resulted in a new communist government. No matter how hard others work for the benefit society, individual benefits will outweigh societal concerns. This precedence in a society is symbolized through Napoleon and Mr. Jones and it is not only seen in the fictional story, but also in nonfictional resources.

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Other individualists, Mr. Jones, focus on the welfare of themselves, ignoring the needs of others. The Russian Revolution written by Anna M. Cienciala, portrays this idea when it state, “Much of Western Europe viewed Russia as an undeveloped, backwards society. The Russian Empire practice serfdom– a form of feudalism in which peasants were forced to serve the land – owning nobility – well into the nineteenth century” (Cienciala 10). Russia was a corrupt society because serfdom was forced upon them. Since peasants are of lower class they were “forced to serve the land.” People who have “nobility” are given power, creating an unjust society. When given power, individuals become more independent. Self-importance and self-benefit in a leader is what leads to a corrupt society. Power blinds people from seeing societal concerns. CzarNicholas II abused his power by forcing the peasants to work for his own benefit. He did not use his power to better the society around him. The use of power for self benefit is also portrayed by Mr. Jones. In Animal Farm, Old Major describes Mr. Jones’ actions of neglection and selfishness. “He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself. Our labour tills the soil, are dung fertilizes it, and yet there is not one of us that owns more than his bare skin” (Orwell 8). Mr. Jones disregards the animals’ concerns. He gives the animals food. However, he gives “the bare minimum.” Just like Czar Nicholas II, Mr. Jones takes use of the animals’ labor to his own benefit. Although the peasants and animals work for the well-being of a collective society, Mr. Jones’ individual concern overrules theirs. Jones seeks to benefit his own life. Both men take the hard working labor of the peasants/animals for themselves. Jones and Nicholas ignored the concerns of others, focusing on their own. Those who