
Socioeconomic Class Essay

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1. How do you define yourself in terms of language, gender or socioeconomic class?
a. Language: English
b. Gender: Male
c. Socioeconomic Class: Middle Class
2. How do you describe the structure of your family as you were growing up?
a. The structure of my family can be described as the typical middle class family. I grew up with my mother, father and older brother. I was the baby of the family and the youngest grandchild from my mother and my father. We lived in a small town so the majority of my immediate family lived within walking distance. This allowed my grandparents the opportunity to play a large role in our family, by ensuring we maintained our family culture, values and bond.
3. What is the primary language spoken in your home?
a. The primary …show more content…

a. Our values were very similar in regards to the close family structure and believe about what is important in life. Although we grew up in different types of family structures, there are areas where I felt like I could relate to the story or situation. In addition, I believe that regardless of the differences, there will always be similarities when people have a common goal in mind; which is to be the best person they know how to be in this world.
2. Beliefs:
a. In reference to our beliefs, it was enlightening to see that grandparents still play a large role in their children and grandchildren’s lives. The majority of my beliefs come from having my grandparents around and now I see how much it affects both men and women. I always thought that since I was a female, I was extremely attracted emotionally and physically to my grandparents; but now I see that there are others who really value these relationships as well.

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