Sociological Theory Of The Family

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Sociology is defined as the scientific study of human life, social groups, whole societies and the human world as such. (Giddens & Sutton, 2013) Sociology covers a vast and diverse range of topics which include social institutions such as religion, education or family. Sociology uses different theories/perspectives to understand and explain the social world. Sociological perspectives include: functionalism, Marxism, feminism, symbolic interaction and post-modernism. A theory is a set of ideas which claim to explain how society or aspects of society work. Highlighting interesting aspects of social situations by drawing out their general features. A social institution is a complex integrated set of norms organized around the preservation of a …show more content…

He argued that there were just two basic needs for the family these are, primary socialization and personality stabilization. (Fulcher & Scott, 2011) Primary socialization during the early years of childhood was a key element within the family to develop the human personality. (Giddens, 2013) Parson’s suggested that families are “factories” which produce human personalities. (Haralambos & Holbourn, 2008, p463) Teaching children shared norms and values of society, to the point where they become a part of him or her. Parson’s stated that the nuclear family was suited to the industrial society. There were specialised roles, with one adult working, being the ‘breadwinner’ – this was usually the man. Whilst the second – usually the woman, caring for the children and home. (Giddens & Sutton, …show more content…

Social solidarity means social order. Through education, children learn shared values and beliefs, whilst feeling part of the community, developing a sense of national identity. (Fulcher & Scott, 2011) Durkheim argued that schools should enforce rules, with punishments to follow if the rules are broken. This taught children self-discipline, understanding the importance of morals, and recognise that misconduct leads to a damaged society. (Haralambos & Holburn, 2008) Durkheim suggested: ‘It is by respecting the school rules that the child learns to respect rules in general, that he develops the habit of self-control and restraint simply because he should control and restrain himself. It is a first initiation into the austerity of duty. Serious life has now begun.’ (Durkheim, 1961, first published 1925) Functionalists view education as an institution that serves the needs of industrial society with a division of labour. Durkheim believed education is also important to teach the skills needed for specialized roles in the industrial society. (Giddens & Sutton,