Euthyphro And Socrates Analysis

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The discourse of Socrates and Euthyphro In Euthyphro, Plato recites a conversation Socrates has with Euthyphro by “the Porch of the King” (Plato, 41). The Greek philosopher and his religious interlocutor Euthyphro mainly talk about the true meaning of piety, although it is less of a conversation and more of Socrates challenging Euthyphro, after the latter claimed that he knew everything about religious matters, and therefore piety. Socrates explains his need for Euthyphro to teach him by explaining that this would help him defend himself against the “indictment” he faces because of Meletus (Plato, 45). In the discourse of Socrates and Euthyphro, I find the exchange quite daunting because Socrates does most of the talking and therefore he is inclined to be leading. This brings me to question how a discourse should really be done. It has been disheartening to follow the train of thought of a well-known and highly respected philosopher because although it may have seemed that Socrates encouraged Euthyphro to speak his mind, he actually seems not to have given him the same space and time to explain and expound in his own words what he tried to communicate with the initial claims he made. In fact, it seems that Socrates has developed a unique, rhetorically powerful strategy to …show more content…

Indeed, such topic brings up opposing thoughts and beliefs, and that is perhaps the very reason why it makes it an interesting theme to discuss. Nevertheless, the conversation seemed to have been dominated by Socrates. While it was but right for him to question the ideas that Euthyphro brought up in order to clarify everything, to make sure that he understands the other speaker, he also presented situations which led Euthyphro to agree with his