Softball Compare And Contrast

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Everyone knows what baseball is but unfortunately the same does not go for softball. Some people assume that softball is the girls’ version of baseball. Both are their own particular sports, even though they share many similarities. Softball was created in 1887 and its rules and regulations was created through baseball. However, throughout the years softball has emerged, and today stands as its own definite sport. The most obvious difference between baseball and softball is the pitching technique. Baseball is overhanded from an elevated mound in a pitching circle. Softball, on the other hand, involves underhand pitching from a flat pitching circle that extends two foot more than a baseball mound. Also, the distance between the mound and home …show more content…

In softball, the paths are typically twenty feet more than the distance between the mound and home plate. Outfield measurements vary greatly. A common distance from home plate to the outfield fence in softball is two hundred and fifty feet. Whereas, in baseball, the average distance is three hundred to four hundred and thirty-five feet. Both sports use bats, but a softball bat and a baseball bat are two completely opposite pieces of equipment. Baseball or softball bats can’t exceed thirty-four inches in length, and their weight differences are greatly different. In softball, the maximum drop is twelve ounces, and it can’t be heavier than an eight-drop difference. In baseball, it can’t be any greater than a drop three. The shapes of the bats are also different. A softball bat has a very slender shape and the diameter of it is two and one fourth. In baseball, the diameter may not exceed two and three fourths. The balls are much different in size and color. Baseballs are a lot smaller and solid than softballs. Baseballs have nine-inch circumference while softballs have a twelve-inch circumference. The color is also well known to be different. Softballs are generally yellow and baseballs are usually

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