Sol By Patricia Mccormick Analysis

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After reading Sold by, Patricia Mccormick I realized that no matter how

many men a thirteen year old sleeps with, ther innocence still exists. Underneath the violation and dehumanization a child still exists. No matter how many men Lakshmi gets taken advantage by she still exists. Patricia Mccormick captures the lifestyle that a sex trafficking victim endures through a number of interviews in India and Nepal. The author captures every aspect and angle of human sexual exploitation. Mccormick uses imagery and a first person point of view to, narrate Lakshmi's experience as a sex slave.

After reading this book I was inspired to further research who, how and where does sex trafficking occur. As I read further into the book I recognize that sex trafficking happens largely in extreme poverty and unstable countries like Asia, Central and SouthEast Europe. Countries and areas where women are degraded and have little to zero power. In countries where male dominance is at the top of the hierarchy. Just like Lakshmi's step dad overrules her mother (page 20) Lakshmi states,“ I must each make twenty trips down the mountain to the village spring as my stepfather dozes in the shade”.... I find it rather unjust that in Lakshmis culture it it acceptable for females to engage in harsh labor while, the men enjoy the fruits of their labor. Which, is then that I connect the …show more content…

Society is so accustomed to pornography, prostitution and sexual exploitation that sex trafficking isn't valued as much as it should be. Women are constantly being degraded, shamed and oppressed. What is it that causes this ongoing sin? Participation, influence and debt is what allows and admits this disgrace from being