Solar Energy Informative Essay

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Fossil fuels have become a destructive force on the environment, and the overuse of these fuels means that they will eventually deplete, becoming more expensive and less available. This is why in today’s world, it has become deeply imperative that we find and utilize efficient; renewable sources of energy. relays that solar energy is not a recent development, but the method of harnessing the sun’s energy to use as fuel, is said to date back to 700 B.C.An article on the website even states, “Humans have been tinkering with solar energy since the dawn of time. Ancient civilizations learned how to use building techniques to store the sun’s energy during the day to keep their homes warm at night, they even used glass and mirrors to light fires”. …show more content…

The invention allowed for people to cook food without fuel, which was a definite improvement from heating food above an open flame. Later in the evolution of solar power, the Photovoltaic Effect was discovered by Edmund Becquerel, it showed that electricity can be made when a certain amount of light hits a material. Moreover, this discovery led to the creation of the first solar cell, which was the first machine that could turn sunlight into electricity. This development was a paramount contributor to the development of the solar panel, which has turned out to be one of the greatest solar powered achievements of all