Sold By Patricia Mccormick Analysis

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Sold, by Patricia McCormick, is the story of a young girl who is sold to a woman to become a maid in the big city, but is actually being sold into a sex trade. It is full of unexpected twists, turns, and many frightening events. The story was based in Nepal, India, somewhere in the late 1800’s. The theme of the book is survival. Every girl must fight to go back home to family. The protagonist of the story is a thirteen year old girl named Lakshmi. She is very brave and tough considering all that has happened to her in the past years. The antagonist, and Lakshmi's enemy, is the woman who bought Lakshmi, Mumtaz. She bought Lakshmi and will not let her go until she pays off her debt.
It was an average day in the hills. People were getting …show more content…

All of the girls are putting a solid black like right above their eye and Lakshmi has to have one of the other girls help her.
Lakshmi was sent up to her room again and her first customer came. Lakshmi had no idea what was going on. The man took off his pants and pushed Lakshmi on the bed. All in one motion he pushed himself inside of her and stuck his tongue down her throat. Lakshmi bit his tongue and kicked him off of her, then ran downstairs. Mumtaz caught up to her and yanked her hair to make her stop. Mumtaz locked Lakshmi in her room until she agreed to be with customers. Until then she would be starved.
Lakshmi was in her room for days. People snuck her tea every once in awhile, but other then that nothing changed. Every day Mumtaz went in and beat Lakshmi with her leather belt.
After several days of being beaten and starved, Lakshmi agreed to be with the customers. Every day after day customers came in violating her body and only paying nothing more than forty rupees. Lakshmi did the math in her head and she soon realized that she would be in this place forever trying to payoff her debt to …show more content…

She got all of the customers. She did whatever they asked and did some extra things to get paid more so she can go home faster. The word is that she is the only one that is close to going home.
Lakshmi was sick. She woke up and her forehead was burning hot. She was coughing so hard that she was almost coughing up blood. Mumtaz came in and yelled at her because she thinks everyone is always faking to get out of working. So she gave Lakshmi a cup of tea and a pill that is supposed to make her feel better in a few days.
After she got better she went back to being with customers again. She was with all different types of customers. Old, young, dirty, clean, tall, short, dark, white, bearded, smooth, fat, thin. They're all the same. Most are from the city, few are from the hills. Every day was the same. Many customers come in and they decide which girl they want and go to their rooms. But after a year going into the rooms with customers Lakshmi me got a pinkish red customer. He was an American. As soon as Lakshmi took him and went up to her room, he asked her if she wanted to leave this place. Many other girls have told her about the Americans trying to get girls to go with them to places. Some of the Americans are real and they take you to better places, but if you are like Anita, they beat you with stones and through moldy food at you. Lakshmi knew she would be punished if she talked to this American about getting out