Soldiers At The Alamo Movie Analysis

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When I started making films I made a promise to myself and an investment in my future. I don’t ever want to repeat myself, I don’t want to continue stories or repeat genres. The promise I made had been intended to exercise myself, while I have accomplished a breadth of unique shorts and may be in a position to expand upon my finest works and Ideas I want to fulfill one of my new idea that I've been chasing for some time. My concept for the ten-minute film is essentially a meditation on what it means to be a being. At its core, the movie will play with the thought that every being is the center of its own universe. We as people, the most community and language driven beings in all known existence are as trapped behind the walls of our own individual flesh as much as any other being. We urge to reach beyond our worlds and touch another, whether we're driven by love or passion to explore. We all die alone, a concept irrelevant to a less social existence. The concept of the lonely universe of our owns life perspective is a big concept big enough for a feature and probably too big for a short but before I explain how it will work let me first expand upon this problem by …show more content…

Soldiers at the Alamo defended the fort knowing they would forfeit their lives for a loss despite haven the chance to exit. Many examples by soldiers throughout history brings up the question of what motivates a decision that leads to a certainty of exstegwished being. Parents sacrifice for children, slaves worked the cotton fields when they could have rioted, modern Americans accept a certain level of political and corporate corruption, American society allows for privatized incarceration. Why do humans consistently rationalize their own personal harm, how can we ever rationalize given that our universe we live in is a lonely one occupied by only ourselves? Why do we sacrifice for people or ideas if we always die