Supermax Prisons

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According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, nearly 20% of inmates spent time in solitary confinement between 2011 and 2012 (1). Solitary confinement, or more commonly known as extreme isolation, is when prisoners are locked up in small cells and have no contact with the outside world for at least 23 hours a day. This could last for several months, and sometimes decades. What are the effects of this sort of treatment towards inmates in prisons and jails?
This research paper will explore the relationship between solitary confinement and self-harm, mental illness, and the amount of violence inside and outside of prisons. The purpose of this paper is to better understand the impact that extreme isolation in prison has …show more content…

Prisoners can be sent to Special Housing Units for a wide variety of reasons, among those being minor and non-violent transgressions. Consequently, solitary confinement is experienced by a high percentage of prisoners, including those that are especially susceptible to extreme isolation like juveniles, the elderly, and people with mental illnesses or substance abuse problems.

Statement of the Problem
During the past few years, the numbers of supermax prisons have increased in many countries, especially in North America. Supermax prisons are said to be a solution to keep the most dangerous and violent prisoners that pose a threat to other individuals including inmates and the society that they live in. However, it has posed a threat to the inmates’ sanity, which can cause negative mental effects such as self-harm, anxiety, and irrational anger.
Research Questions
Is there a significant relationship between solitary confinement and self harm?
Is there a significant relationship between solitary confinement and violence in prisons/jails?
Does solitary confinement cause psychiatric problems for …show more content…

In New York approximately 2000 individuals were released directly from solitary confinements to the public every year. During Solitary confinement, prisoners do not get any educational or rehabilitative courses and are therefore unprepared to reunite with society with success. Prisoners also bring the effects of solitary confinement with them to communities, which include violent outbursts of anger, self-harm, and emotional breakdowns.
In previous studies it was discovered that solitary confinement increases the rate of suicides in jails, causes negative psychological and psychopathological effects, and raises the levels of violence in prisons and the society that they are situated in.

Examining other studies in the literature review helps create a perception of the important parts of this topic. If mistakes were made, then they would be avoided, and the methods that were proven to be successful would be the inspiration for this research proposal on the investigation of the effects of solitary confinement.

Research Questions
Is there a significant relationship between solitary confinement and self