
Soothsayers In Julius Caesar Research Paper

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Fortune tellers in today's society are people who proclaim to be able to predict the future. In William Shakespeare’s time, fortune tellers were known as soothsayers. In the dramatic play, “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar,” one of the most important characters are the soothsayers. The soothsayers are fortune tellers who can sense the future. The soothsayers grant many chances to the main character, Julius Caesar, to save his life. However Julius Caesar ignored them all. All chances were put aside. In “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar,” by William Shakespeare, the soothsayers' roles include foreshadowing, suspense, and taking chances. The soothsayers are important because they are the ones who foreshadowed. Foreshadowing is a warning …show more content…

The soothsayer made a letter for the great Caesar that is warning him of all the people in the conspiracy. The people listed in the letter, the conspiracy are plotting to murder Caesar. The soothsayers were important because they added a lot of suspense in the play. On the 15th of March Caesar says the day has finally arrived and in response the soothsayer says, “Ay, Caesar, but not gone”(III.I.2). This relates to the reader something bad is going to happen. The soothsayers are very important because they give Julius Caesar many chances to save his life. When the soothsayer told Caesar to beware March 15th he is warning Caesar giving him his first chance but Caesar ignores it. Another time the soothsayer tried to warn Caesar was. ”O Caesar, read mine first; for mines a suit/ that touches Caesar nearer. Read it great Caesar!”(III.I.6) Artemidorus is trying to get Caesar to read his note to caution him that the conspirators are plotting to do something bad. "what, is the fellow mad?”(III.I.10) is Caesar's response to the Artemidorus when he was trying to get him to open the letter. Caesar is warned once again when Calpurnia said, what mean you Caesar? I think you to walk forth?/ you shall not stir out of your house to-day.(II.II.8) Caesar's wife, Calpurnia has a terrible nightmare on the 15th of March where Caesar is being murdered by multiple people by the statue of the

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