
Sophocles Oedipus The King

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This work by Sophocles is based on one person who has been lied to for his whole entire life. Oedipus is the person that this is named after. When he was a child his father Laius and his mother Jocasta had a child, but sent him to be killed because the prophesies told the father that one day this child would kill him and sleep with his wife. Now, twenty years later it become a reality one day on Oedipus journey he ended up killing servants and an old man who was the King of Thebes. After, he killed this man he went on with his life later when Oedipus he defeated the sphinx who guarded Thebes and after this he was praised by many and was placed with the honor of Kingship. In addition, he married a woman named Jocasta and had four kids with
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