
South Side Of Chicago Essay

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The Southside of Chicago has and continues to get a bad rap for its crime and bad neighborhoods. While it can be said that every city has its problem areas, it's absolutely false to believe that nothing good can or has come from the inner city of Chicago. Actually, for the last 8 years, we the American people, have witnessed the good that can come from not only Southside of Chicago but from the very values this countries claims to stand on.

President Barack Obama is known for his swag, his incomparable speaking presence, and for making history as the first African American to lead the USA. Many of our older citizens claimed they never thought they would see the day that our nation would be led by a person of color. Not only has that day come …show more content…

Obamas shot at the White House began to turn into a reality vs. a dream. While we can accredit his accomplishments to his charisma, youth, and the time for 'change' one can definitely imply that his wife, Michelle, had a lot to do with the triumph in Washington D.C.

Michelle Obama, ivy league graduate, is no Sally Homemaker, not that there is anything wrong with that. To be a black woman and lead you have to be strong on all fronts. Michelle knew that. Barack also was very smart when he pursued the young woman who had and still has everything going for her. She is educated. She is hard working. She is rib of this country. She is the forerunner for feminism and encouraging young women of this generation to take life by the horns and run with it. The Obamas time in the White House is unfortunately coming to a close. What better time to tell the story of how the Obamas came to be?

'Southside With You' tells the tale of the historic couple. Tika Sumpter plays the beautiful First Lady in all her poise, wit, and strength. A strength that often goes overlooked underestimated. While Tika is no newbie to the film world, this movie is anticipated to open many doors for her talent and

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