Southern Gothic Essay

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The two books I’ve chosen to go with has a southern gothic genre. First book by “Harper Lee ‘To kill a mocking Bird’ ” and my next book by “Nick Cave” ‘And the ass saw the angel’. Southern gothic is stories which focus mainly on delusional , damaged and even supernatural characters. Harper lee was famous for her great love for charity. Her net-worth alone was 35 million but she never lived her live as if it was. Harper lee’s first name was in fact Nelle, Harper is her middle name and she had chosen this in order that people do not mistaken it for Nellie. Nelle was always the friendly type but to a very certain extent, She was not really the type of person to share her life story to random people besides her very close friends. If you were …show more content…

“Slopped into the world the world with all the uninvited guest” As he was born his beloved twin dies during the birth and is welcomed into the world by a drunken mother and a father obsessed with torture to animals and dangerous traps. His life of silence is considered as a torture alone but as a silent tongue awaits to be cured. Nick’s style of writing includes a lot of rhymes and refrains that repeats echoes of of a young child crying his/her madness. During his course of writing this book leaves him wondering was left unsaid. A lot of his stories comes from bizarre things such as pamphlets billboards and anger issues. The sugar cane come directly from a pamphlet in which he picked up and wrote about. He speaks a language referring to the old testament. Which creates a sense of humor for the book and adds a extra way of imagination and thought for the reader, It leaves you with thoughts never considered before. The main character is brought upon with a mute. His unable to speak and by this his language is biblical, Guttered language and his mixture of his own words. Nick cave himself thoroughly enjoys languages which gives him and opportunity to explain himself better just as Harper lee has.I consider them as very similar not in way of writing but in way of thinking. They tend to reveal who they really are within every book they