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Cause of civil war essay secession of the southern states
Cause of civil war essay secession of the southern states
Cause of civil war essay secession of the southern states
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In this paper there has been a discussion of the legislation and the tensions preceding the southern Secession. Based on this discussing it can be concluded that the tensions, which culminated with the Civil War, were present many decades before the secession itself. Even threats of Civil war and secession were present much prior to this particular conflict. This paper has also concluded that the threat of Lincoln was real to the South, because of the Republican party’s very distinct foundation as an anti-slavery party. Slavery was a soft spot in the South because of the substantial value slaves had.
Charles B. Dew argued in his book “Southern Secession Commissioners and the Cause of the Civil War” that the south seceded to protect the slaves. He also stated the north had larger military forces compared to the south. That southerners fought because of their pride and that is why the war lasted for four years (322). Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana wanting to get out of the Union and become one of their own. The lower southern states persuaded many other slave state to secede from the Union as well.
Ralph A. Wooster’s article “An Analysis of the Membership of Secession Conventions in the Lower South,” provides a comparative picture and personal characteristics of state convention participants. Wooster argues, of the 1,048 men who participated in the state conventions few have received attention from historical analysis. He utilizes the Eighth Census of the United States, 1860, for his research analysis of personal characteristics of convention participants. By analyzing the data, he determines the median age, place of birth, occupation, number of possessed slaves, possession of real and personal property for each delegate. Wooster then utilizes these markers and compares them to each state on how they voted; whether they voted
Secession is the means to withdraw one’s self from a federal union or other affiliated group. The southern secession was the separation of 11 states moving from the Union to the Confederate States Popular sovereignty helped the Union and the Confederates compromise by allowing the right to vote for or against slavery knowing that the popular vote would be to be against slavery, aiding in the final decision. The motive to use the
He also gave the Gettysburg Address, which helped the soldiers of the Union remember what they were fighting for, giving them the morale to push onward with the war effort. The reasons for the South seceding varied. Lincoln’s election was the main reason, since none of the southern states voted for him yet
Fatima Arellano History 17 B Professor Perrone 08 February 2018 Civil War Documents Analysis South Carolina Declaration of Secession On December 24th, 1860 the government of South Carolina issued their proclamation of secession from the Federal Union. The document begins with the South Carolina government calling attention to the violation of the Constitution of the United States by failing to oblige with the “wishes of … slaveholding states.” The government continues to make their point by reminiscing over the separation of thirteen colonies from the British Empire deeming the British empire was destructive to the rights of the habitants of the thirteen colonies therefore they have the right to “institute a new government.” The narrative
South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union, and by February 1861 seven more southern states followed South Carolina's
The Confederate States of America consisted of eleven states in the south. Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas were the seven states that first seceded. The last four to secede were Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. The Confederates fought against the Union during the Civil War in the years 1861-1865. The Confederacy fought for slavery and states’ rights.
Even though the South was a part of the Union, and was bound by a contract, the South had every right to secede from the Union. Many states of the North has broken the Constitution, therefore the agreement that keeps the Southern states from seceding is broken. The North has also gained overwhelming power over the South in Congress, therefore the Southern states are not equally represented in the Union anymore. According to the tenth Amendment, the rights that are not listed in the Constitution are reserved for the states, and the right to secede is not in the Constitution.
The issues that eventually led to the secession of the southern states had been brewing for a considerable amount of time. Most people want to say that the reason for the war was slavery, while yes that was an issue it don’t start the war and wasn’t brought up into a little ways in to the war. One of the biggest issues that truly led to the states seceding was the debate over States’ rights. There had been a debate for years on if the federal government had the right to pass laws reversed laws already in place at state level, going far back as 1798.
As the tensions between the North and the South keep growing, we have to look at the secession of the Southern states and if this act will help or hinder the debate brought about between the two territories. One of the first things we need to inspect is the differences between the two. Then we need to get down to the core and see why there are major issues between the North and the South. Finally, after we go through the facts, I will present my opinion on whether or not secession is necessary and if it is or isn’t the right route to take in order to resolve the conflicts separating the United States.
When the Civil War was finishing, the South was at a place where everything was a social disorder, and a horrible economic place. The Union had a war destroyed the southern crops, plantations, the cities, and many slaves were going to the Union while their chiefs to be in the Union army. The inflation became so horrible that when the war was finishing, just by buying a piece of bread cost so much money for the South. Thousands of Southern people suffered so much because they would either starve to death, lose their clothes, homes, lands, and even slaves. That is why, by 1865, Washington had a really difficult task of the Southern Reconstruction.
This essay will explore the reasons as to how and why secession occurred and whether slavery was the main
Slavery When explaining the reasons for the secession, slavery must be included as an essentail factor. As described earlier, slavery and the right to slavery was the main thing that fueled tensions between the
Secession- the act of pulling out of the union. By 1861 many southerners felt the need to secede. On December 20, 1860, South Carolina voted to secede. By February 1861 Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas and Louisiana had voted to secede and formed the confederate state of America.