Southwest Airlines Essay

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SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CEO’S : Herb Kelleher 1971 – 2008 / Gary C. Kelly 2008 - present In this cut throat competitive era service firms may survive with innovative strategies with reference to people, process and physical evidence that differentiate their services from their competitors. The key objective of this is to highlight the strategies of Southwest airlines that facilitated it to produce a successful model in airlines industry that was benchmark for the entire world. Paper enlightens that if a service firm gives priority to its employees than customers, it automatically serves customers in better way as services of a company are given through employees and employees’ delight is customers’ delight in service sector. –REFERANCE Ashutosh Muduli, ..This is a point that I believe is the winning formula for Comair. • Here is a quick insight to Southwest Airlines:. The airline was established in 1967[4] and adopted its current name in 1971.[5] The airline has nearly 46,000 employees as of December 2014 and operates more than 3,400 flights per day.[6] As of June 5, 2011, it carries the most domestic passengers of any U.S. airline. As of August 2012, Southwest is the largest operator of the 737 worldwide …show more content…

Everybody has metrics and business intelligence, but very few companies are willing to put that much effort, time, attention, or money into proving to employees that they care. It seems like an odd thing to focus on as a business, but one that's worked for Southwest... Southwest is noted for its strong management-labour relations, which has positive and negative impacts. On the one hand this strategy minimizes the risk of labour strife and increases employee satisfaction, which Southwest believes has a positive impact on service and the travel experience. – Referance Max Nisen 16/01/13 Business

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