
Space Exploration Benefits

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With space exploration beginning with Generation X, who are now our parents, living on other planets and in space has always been a thought. The space voyage, starting with Kennedy, has yet to see a halt in the space exploration advancements. Kennedy had said in 1961, that within ten years they will send a man to the moon, and by 1969 three men took the first steps on the moon. Scientists and researchers see that with a will there's a way, and the goal set for Mars colonization is the year 2020. Technicalities have arised to the scientists, but the ambition to overcome and find solutions for the problems are just one step behind. With the dream placed in scientists head, many are striving to have a settlement on another planet by 2050 at the …show more content…

To have a colony on Mars settled will be useful for the future. The Earth is dying at the rate of pollution being deposited into the atmosphere, and “by the year 2030, the World Wildlife Fund believes we will be consuming two planets worth of natural resources annually” (Austen 2). The earth was not meant to deal with the amount of toxins that are put into the air. “Over the past decade, droughts, earthquakes,epic rains, and floods have tripled.”. (Austen 2) At this rate many believe our planet is past the point of fixing it, and it would be easiest to abandon ship and venture to the red planet. “Earth and Mars are both very similar in their shape, the terrain, and the axial tilt that the planet rests on” (Parks 28). Another difficulty on our planet is overpopulation. “In the past 185 years, America's population has multiplied about 45 times” (Paine 3). The overpopulation is playing a high factor in the amount of pollution, and to have another planet to split up the population will be useful. But a common human ideology is learning from one's mistakes and, “the Greenhouse Effect that we have triggered here was not deliberate, our experience and knowledge in creating it here on earth… good use on planets where surface temperatures need to be raised artificially” (Williams

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