Space Invasion Examples

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Another space invasion act I did was hugging people randomly at the bus stop in school. The first person I hugged was a female who jumped when I hugged her. The female just started laughing and asked me if I knew her. She started telling me I was very brave for randomly hugging her and was very friendly towards me. When I left the girl, my friend Solange informed me that when I hugged the girl she did not make a negative face, but made a surprised face and that then she started laughing. In the Cultural Differences in Perceived Social Norms article by Heinrichs and others, they inform us that space invasion is based on the culture differences of people. For example, when I hugged the girl and she did not mind or get angry, she told me that when she greets her family or meets someone new she would introduce herself and give them a hug as a friendly act. The girl’s culture is very friendly where they do not mind being hugged by strangers or get aggressive in any way. …show more content…

When I hugged the young man he quickly walked away from me and left from the bus stop. My friend Solange informed me that the young male made a frightened face and quickly left from where I was. This young man was probably a very private person where he is not used to hugging strangers. On page 157, Meyers informs us that men keep more distance from each other than woman and in my experiment the young man did not feel comfortable with me even though I am a female. Space invasion is something very private to Americans where they do not like to share it and prefer to keep their own space open due to their cultural background (Heinrichs, 296). Heinrichs argues that privacy relates to cultural background, where a persons beliefs will influence whether they prefer a lot or a little of personal space. Personal space in many cultures will be very uncomfortable and can even lead to the person being