Spanish Conquest

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History is like a manufacturing machine that never stops creating a vast field of knowledge, theories, and assumptions and there is nothing more powerful than the past. Everyday we create history out of love, fear, or what we assume to be for the best interest of others and there is no particular person to be the judge of that. What is common to see is that history is both forgotten and repeated throughout years. The point of my paper is to shed light on such situation that has created a huge impact on today’s society that dates back to conquest of Spain in the Americas, which is remembered as successful conquest and not reflected on the idea that racial groups in the U.S. are used to create power and control. According to the conquest in the …show more content…

I agree, but, I do not agree with the concept of using racial groups for the gain of power and oppression, something we continue to see in today’s world but a subject that people don’t talk about. La conquista consisted of soldiers that were raping women and killing their husbands if they dared intervene and this was due to the soldiers state of mind. As stated in the pdf class reading in Sexual Violence in the Politics and Polices of Conquest, “In the history of Western civilization writ large, rape is an act of domination, an act of power. As such, it is a violent political act committed through sexual aggression against woman.” So soldier’s state of mind for the raping of woman was due to a norm of using aggression against the opposing army as a form of superiority. Also, when natives joined the mission, many were abused through the form of whipping or imprisonment for disobedience. “Indian recruits, who were often forced to convert nearly at gunpoint, could be expected to survive mission live for only about ten years” (CAMissions Lecture 6_3: page 7). We see how immigration in Arizona has framed all illegal’s as criminals and outsiders who don’t belong there and target people of race, specifically browns. When were taught about our history, were never taught differently on how to think and that’s where Howard Zinn writes, that history “conceals conflicts of interests between conquerors and conquered, masters and slaves, capitalists and workers, dominators and dominated in race and