Speak By Laurie Halse Anderson Should Not Be Banned From Libraries And Schools

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Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson should not be banned from libraries and schools. Speak should not be banned from libraries and schools because they teach valuable life lessons that kids can benefit from and grow as a person from reading about. For example,“You can't speak up for your right to be silent. That's letting the bad guys win"(Anderson, 159). Throughout Speak, the main character Melinda struggles to speak up about her drastic assault. Over the course of this book, she learns how important it is to speak up because if you stay silent you're letting the person who immensely changed your life for the worse win and get away with things that are unacceptable. In our society young women are being assaulted and are the victims of rape quite frequently and this book really stretches the importance of speaking up for your rights and to …show more content…

I can grow”(Anderson, 198). Melinda had a horrific time expressing her feeling and found it hard to come out about her atrocious assault. When Melinda finally expressed her feelings and spoke up she realized that she can still, learn, grow, and have a happy, successful life. This is a very important message because this can apply to many real-world situations that happen daily. When a gruesome or horrific event occurs in one's life you should always talk to someone and speak out about it because you will be able to move on and have a joyous life after you get help and admit to what happened so you can stop running away from your problems. This message is essential for teenagers to learn because it will be useful for them throughout the tough periods in their lifetime. The author Laurie Halse Anderson states, “Nothing is perfect. Flaws are interesting”(Anderson, 153). This quote portrays a good message because Melinda thought that because of her attack she was flawed and wasn't perfect but she realized by the end of the novel that everyone has there issues and not everyone is perfect and that's