Speech On Environmental Education

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Our earth is the only planet which supports life, it is our only home. But we human beings are not giving the environment the care that it deserves. With the increase in urbanization, development, industrialisation, traffic congestion, pollution has increased at such an alarming rate. Because of the negligence of the environment by human beings, environment degradation has become a topic of concern today. Another problem is improper use and exploitation of our natural resources. We know that resources are scarce but we utilise resources in such large quantities which cannot be regenerated in the human use time frame. Intense human activities have resulted in biodiversity loss which has affected our food chain. Also, many species have been …show more content…

There are many more problems that many people are not aware of. So, in order to tackle these problems, the first step is to have knowledge about the problems. In this regard, it can be said that environmental education is very important. It is never too late to study about the problems of today to bring about a better tomorrow. Thus, Environmental studies as a subject has been made compulsory in schools and higher education by a verdict by the supreme court of India since 1991. Incorporating environmental education in modern education will not only help in acquiring knowledge regarding environment but also values and necessary skills to solve environmental problems. Furthermore, environmental awareness is the preliminary step eventually leading to the aptitude to carry on responsible citizenship actions. Students are the future. They are tomorrow’s leaders who will be taking all the important decisions regarding social issues, economy, environment, politics, law and order. A good foundation today will ensure great leaders in the future. Students have a big role to play in the society. This youthful energy if channelled properly can bring positive changes in the …show more content…

OBJECTIVE 3: To assess the behaviour of college students towards the environment To assess the behaviour of college students towards the environment, statements such as ‘when I leave a room, I make sure that all the lights and fans are switched off if no one is using them’, ‘I use public transport whenever possible’, ‘When I see waste lying around, I pick it up’ and ‘I use recyclable products whenever possible’ were given to the respondents to rate based on their agreements to it. 97.2% of the respondents agreed that when they leave a room they make sure that all the lights and fans are witched off if no one is using them while 2.6% of them disagreed. 85.6% of the respondents agreed that they use public transport whenever possible while 14.1% of them disagreed. 80.8% of the respondents agreed that when they see waste lying around they pick it up while 18.9% of them disagreed. 92.3% of the respondents agreed that they use recyclable products wherever possible while 7.6% of them disagreed. The figures for the statements are given