
Speech On Gun Violence

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It takes a second to stop and help someone, and a second to pass by. In today's world, we've seemingly forgotten the mere fact that we are all the same; we are all human. We breathe the same air, walk the same Earth and have the capability to feel. As the old saying goes: where there are humans, there should be humanity. But unfortunately, there is a massive lack of. Not only have we stood above and pitied each other, but violence is at an all time high. Gun violence towards African Americans and terrorism being among the top two. They are major problems among the states and terrorism, around the whole world even. Taking someone's life is taking away a mother, father, brother, sister, or friend from those who loved them. Multiply that by 300, 400, 500, 1000. …show more content…

Some will forget within the next five minutes, others will be reminded by the media and if you're determined, they'll stay on your mind. The world itself cannot be changed over night, nor can it be changed alone. It requires time, effort, teamwork and most importantly, you and me. Age is simply a number when it comes to this, so you are never to young or too old to make a difference. I believe it's time to stop limiting ourselves to what we can do, and start focusing on the things we possibly could. Me wanting more humanity in a world where some have lost hope makes it seem like I've got my head in the clouds, but I'm not the only one. In fact, others are already working on resolving conflicts as such. Like I said, big changes require teamwork. One woman can wake up in the morning with a grand idea, but it'll take many to carry it out. Bringing humanity back surely won't be a one woman task. If we all join hands we're already closer to a more perfect union and world. See humanity as a carpet: A few stains won't completely ruin it. It's

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