Speeches In The Gettysburg Address

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America, as a whole, has had several moments in time where it needed to move forward as a nation many of those times the process was quickened by a speech. Over the history of America many of the great and influential leaders gave a speech to unite the people of America to a specific cause or they would bring forth an issue in the world. Although, all of the most influential speeches were all given by rich and powerful men, but instead people that weren’t afraid to speak up. All of the most well-known speeches were combined into, Essential American Documents and Speeches Volume One and Two. Of the numerous amount of the speeches in the two books the five different speeches given by Sojourner Truth, Abraham Lincoln, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ulysses S. Grant, and John F. Kennedy’s impacted America the most. One of the greatest speeches that brought the issue of black women to light was, “Ain’t I a Women”, by Sojourner Truth, she gave this powerful speech by comparing her own actions with those of a man. Sojourner saw the issue that she and the rest of the black women, though they were female, did not have the same opportunities as a white female. When bringing up this issue she approaches it tenderly because, …show more content…

Lincoln connected the, just ending, civil war with the founding of this country, United States of America. He stated that the country was made in which all men are created equal and that the men who fought in the civil war fought for that cause. Lincoln respectfully give the men who served honor and recognition, but he also urges that they most remake the country into a greater one so they do don’t disrespect the deaths of the war. This speech, beautifully delivered, was a short one, but it was the push the country need to move