Spike Lee's Use Of The Flashback Technique In The Film Malcolm X

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Malcolm X is an american film released in 1992 directed by Spike Lee who showed the life and death of the activist Malcolm X. The film takes place in Harlem and the context is the discrimination suffered by the afro-Americans in the United States of America in the 1960s. This was a period were discrimination The purpose of this critique is to show the strengths and weaknesses of the film.
The plot is based on the life and death of Malcolm X, who was an activist that fought for equality regarding afro-american community in the United States. The flashback technique was used to present key moment in Malcolm X childhood and adult life. For example, it begins with an adult Malcolm X committing crimes, moments later the off voice of the actor appear narrating the attacks of the Ku Klux Klan . However, it would have been better if the director had presented his childhood since the beginning. This is because, the use of the flashback technique to present the childhood of Malcolm X suggests that discrimination had negative consequences on his adult life. …show more content…

For example: his mother suffering a mental disease, the loss of his father, incarceration, conversion to Muslim and union to the Nation of Islam. These moments are the before and after in the life of this activist, however in an attempt to remain faithful to the biography of Malcolm X, slang was used during a great part the film. It would have been better if the author had used a more formal language in order to help the audience to understand the dialogue. Moreover, the argument of the director suggests that the complete black population in the United States of America was being discriminated, and that white American society in general addressed them harshly. When what happened was that, a small group of high class promoted such policies and other groups that favored the ideology of Malcolm X seeked to be part of his