Spinal Manipulation Research Paper

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What Is Spinal Manipulation? 1)Spinal manipulation,is also called as a spinal manipulative therapy or manual therapy, they are both combining through moving and jolting joints, massage, exercise, and physical therapy. It's purposedly design designed to reduced pressure on joints, lowered inflammation, and also improve nerve function. It is often used to treat back, neck, shoulder, and headache pain. Chiropractors use it to treat other type of disorders too, such as menstrual pain and sinus problems.
2)Today, spinal manipulation is used in both the Western country and traditional Asian medicine. In North America, it's usually performed by chiropractors, osteopathic physicians, …show more content…

• TARGET OF FORCE: Describe the location where the therapist intended to apply the force.
• RELATIVE STRUCTURAL MOVEMENT: Describe which structure or region was intended to remain stable and which structure or region was intended to move.
• PATIENT POSITION: Describe the position of the patient (e.g., supine, prone, recumbent).
• GRADE I - Small amplitude rhythmic oscillating mobilization in early range of movement
• GRADE II - Large amplitude rhythmic oscillating mobilization in midrange of movement
• GRADE III - Large amplitude rhythmic oscillating mobilization to point of limitation in range of movement
• GRADE IV - Small amplitude rhythmic oscillating mobilization at end range of movement
• GRADE V (Thrust Manipulation) - Small amplitude, quick thrust at end range of movement
• GRADE I - Neutralizes joint pressure without separation of joint surfaces.
• GRADE II - Separates articulating surfaces, taking up slack or eliminating play within joint …show more content…

4.0.1:Pain Relief
 The most obvious benefit is the relief of pain. Spinal manipulation can almost instantly relieve some or all of your pain you are experiencing in your lower back; neck, head and shoulders. Some patients have even reported being pain free in as little as one visit to the chiropractor.
4.0.2:Improve Flexibility
 Spinal manipulation can also help to improve your flexibility. If used along with exercise, you can strengthen your core muscles and improve your movement in your back, shoulders and neck. This will give you better flexibility and help you feel better at the same time.
4.0.3:Prevent Surgery
 If we had been explored all of the options to stop your pain and your only alternative is surgery, then you may want to consider spinal manipulation as an alternative before you set foot into an operating room. In some cases, the therapy can also reduce or eliminate your symptoms preventing you from having to go surgery.
4.0.4:Reduce Dependence on

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