Spiritual Change In The Awakening

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The quote “The writers, I do believe, who get the best and most lasting response from their readers are the writers who offer a happy ending through moral development. By a happy ending, I do not mean mere fortunate events--a marriage or a last minute rescue from death--but some kind of spiritual reassessment or moral reconciliation, even with the self, even at death” by British novelist Fay Weldon relates to the ending of The Awakening in how Edna’s final views and thoughts of herself and her life have evolved throughout the novel. Edna undergoes a significant change in attitude, behavior, and overall character. Edna’s rebellion against societal norms seems to be more intrinsically motivated rather than by extrinsic forces. Throughout the course of the novel, Edna struggles with her inner thoughts, feelings, and becoming her true self rather than just living the expected lifestyle of a typical upper class housewife.
The title, The Awakening, signifies the self-realization of Edna Pontellier and her own personal awakening. Edna’s character undergoes a dramatic lifestyle and spiritual change. She begins the novel as the typical old fashioned housewife that is expected to look and act a certain way. Edna was a respectable housewife who yearns for a social, spiritual, and sexual awakening …show more content…

Edna developed a yearning for the pursuit of passion and sensuality, two major qualities that were absent in her marriage and home. She became enchanted with the idea of passionate love. This is shown by her relationship with Robert and with Alcée. These relationships resulted in a sexual awakening in Edna’s life. Mademoiselle Reisz 's piano performances brought an emotional awakening in Edna and fed her need for some drama in her life. Edna 's time spent at the racetrack function affected her in the same way. Edna became intoxicated by her success at betting on the