raHe searched everywhere for those shoes, those perfect tan ones with that fabric flower that fit him just right. The closet, underneath his bed, in the pile of clean clothes he meant to fold a week ago. They were nowhere to be found, completely gone from the face of the Earth, leaving Cal Hampton barefooted and discouraged. It was only eight in the morning and his room was more of a mess than it usually was, plus, worst of all, he didn 't have a single pair of shoes that matched the floral skirt settled upon his waist. He bought it just for that damn pair, those adorable, dainty tan shoes, and now, the thing was useless.
his comeback, I was dispatched to George Cherry’s boxing club to watch him work out. After he had finished and showered, we adjourned to a neighbourhood greasy spoon for an amiable, two-hour chat. As we were about to leave, Lafleur asked about an old friend: “So how is Red Fisher?” “Red is Red,” I said, the only accurate description of the man I could ever manage.
Now that Alex’s [so far lifelong] disease has been cured, he is playing out side. Some of the boys his age were playing with some round object that Alex had never seen. He went to go sit near a tree, when he sat down he found one near him. He reached over to pick it up. Being the observer he is he wrote down in his, observation note book, some facts.
[6:27:55 PM] Robster Lobster: Today at school [6:28:07 PM] Robster Lobster: We all went to an assembly [6:28:32 PM] Robster Lobster: And it was about this thing called "Rachels challagne" [6:28:50 PM] Robster Lobster: And tbh, it was extreamlly depressing, Reachel was the firsy person killed at columbine highschool [6:29:20 PM] Robster Lobster: And she had all these messages to people and sometimes visions and stuff, like one thing was she was alwyas saying she was gonna change the world [6:29:29 PM] Robster Lobster:
When I woke up I felt like a new person, yet there was something missing. Zaroff was gone and as far as I knew, there was nothing left to fear. I didn’t really know what to do next because I needed Zaroff to help me survive on this island and now he’s dead. I paced around for a little bit and then realized that I should probably eat. I went down the stairs to the kitchen and prepared some breakfast.
Right now I am on a plane headed to Europe. With me are Jack Hileman,John Shleinz,Grant Williams,Nathan Jolly,and David Beilin. We are almost over the Amazon,when the plane begins to shake then fall. Grant screamed, “What are we going to do?” Nathan shouted in response, “I don’t know you tell me wise guy.”
Hey Mom, it’s X-Ray. I know I never write to you ever, I know you probably wonderin’ why I’m writin to ya today. I just have a story that I had to share cause’ nowadays I don’t really got anybody to talk to, but I just needed to get this off my mind. Today, while the boys n’ I were just diggin holes, we saw Caveman letting his slave dig his hole in the hot heat. Apparently, his slave is Zero.
It felt like a knife was stabbing me right in the leg. I noticed a considerable amount of other campers staring at me as I was laying on the ground in pain. “Ouch! Oh my gosh!” I held my leg as I yelled loudly.
Sunday, 6 March, 2016 12:59 PM Good morning Ms. Kranendonk and 8 Red. My name is Jack Lelliott. Thirteen years ago on the first of October I was born in Adelaide at the Women's and Children's Hospital.
Well, it was something I always wanted to do from the time I was a child. But when I was in grade twelve deciding whether I was going to go to the university for drama, then 9/11 happened. That made me kinda put the brakes on. I wanted to do something that could affect people more--something that was more helpful. So instead of applying to drama school, I went to be a police officer instead.
Hell isn’t all they crack it up to be, honestly. In the stories, it’s all fire, hopeless souls hopelessly screaming, endless pain. I mean, yeah, there’s fire. Lots of it.
What constitutes “masculinity?” Sadly, the term has been defined so harshly that it is having detrimental effects on our society. The definitions of gender roles bombard us everywhere, from books, to advertisements, to movies, there is seemingly no place one can hide from these absurd standards. Canadian sociologist Aaron H. Devor points out in his article “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender,” that gender norms are learned early on in life, burdening children with these restrictions (388). This is what makes movies which clearly reject and mock gender roles, such as The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, so refreshing.
Hi, I’m…… well I guess you know what I am by now. It’s funny how we met so easily remember when you slept over brain’s house the other day and you felt weird. Well here I am, the parasite you were trying to scratch off your body but it never worked. See I told you it was funny well funny for me in a way.
INTRO I have done it. I have brought upon the death of another man! I have blood upon my hands. For that I feel I should have changed but desperation has replaced the sorrow I feel for my actions.
It was a cold and windy day outside in Sleepy Hollow. It was so quiet that you can even hear the leaves hit the ground, as they fell off of the tree. Suddenly, I finally reached my destination “The tree Of the Dead.” Yes, i know you're probably wondering, why i would be in the middle of the woods, in front of this creepy tree. Well I’ve come to make a deal with the Headless Horseman to kill Ichabod once and for all.