Sprinkler Research Paper

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This research paper takes a perspective of the development and the history of the Sprinklers systems in order to promote life and the reduction of property damage. The ultimate goal of this research paper is to give an overview of the history of the Sprinkler Systems and being able to promote the quality of life across the country. Along with this research paper there will be a presentation of numerous data that promotes fire prevention and fire safety. Sprinkler systems have been used in the United States for quite some time, “the first sprinkler system was designed by Leonardo Da Vinci in the 15th century. (National Fire Protection Association 2012). In 1874 sprinklers were used in different factory applications where fires at the turn …show more content…

1- Operational reliability 2- Performance Reliability Total reliability may be expressed as follows: “operational reliability is a measure of assurance that a system or component will operate as intended when needed” & Performance Reliability is a measure of the adequacy of the system once it has operated, in other words, did the system perform in accordance with its design and purpose? “Some statistics and data show that more than 18000 (out of estimated 31,000) fire departments report in the NFIRS each year, they report an average of 11 million incident including 800,000 fires each year”. (American Sprinkler Association, ASA 2010) Development of NFPA 13R In 1989, a new standard was developed to bridge the gap between NFPA 13 and NFPA 13D. The new standard is NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler …show more content…

“Along with that expense and system information was gathered. The report ranged 30 houses in which the minimum cost for sprinkler ordinances per square foot was $0.38 and the highest being $3.66. This range averaged out to be $1.61 per square foot”. This report also conducted a survey on insurance premium discounts for homeowners with sprinkler systems installed. For all of the communities the average discount percentile was collected from five insures who have a strong market share in their state. The percentile savings ranged from 0 to 10% among all that were surveyed, with an average premium discount of 7 %.(pg9)Appendix B shows the locations of the ten communities selected for research and graphical data relating to the study. This research study and the data were compiled by gathering numerous amounts of information using info from known internationally by the cooperation of NFPA, USFA, NIST and