St Francis Of Assisi Research Paper

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St. Francis of Assisi founded three religious orders of the Roman Catholic Church during the 13th century in order to develop his ideals. He left behind not only a legacy, but a religious order known as the Franciscan order, or “the order of lesser brothers.” These Franciscan orders are made up of friars, male member called “brothers.” Friars are people who practice a monostatic life and devote their lives to serving humanity. Their goal is to serve the Lord and live in his teachings with joy and eagerness. The order became so popular because its members were not bound by a life in the monastery. The church now has a mobile force they could exact wherever necessary. The three separate religious orders that make up the Franciscan orders are …show more content…

The First Order called the Friars Minor, or Little Brothers, consists of priests and lay brother that have taken up an oath to lead a life of prayer, preaching, and penance. This order is divided into three separate groups known as the Friars Minor, the Friars Minor Conventual, and the Friars Minor Capuchin. The Second Order was founded in 1212 when St. Francis gained Clare Offreduccio as a follower of his way of life. The Poor Clares consist of cloistered nuns who are a community of women who practice a sheltered life based on the Gospel through prayer and penance. The Third Order, may have been found in a movement during the sixth century called the Penitents. Penitents were individuals who sought to grow in holiness through daily lives and work. This took many forms such as pilgrimages, building holy sites, maintaining churches, and doing charity work for the poor and sick. Actually, some of the first Franciscans were known as the Penitents of Assisi. Those who could not leave their families and homes to be a cloistered nun or wandering priest, formed the Third Order. These groups publicly professes the Church’s teachings and calls for simplicity of life. The main focuses of the Third Order are works of mercy and conversion to following the Gospel. The Third Order tries to embody St. Francis’s spirit by working with the poor, teaching, and giving charity. This group consists …show more content…

The “TORs” are a growing community that strive to “rebuild the Church” through areas in education, parish ministry, social justice, and other ministries where the Church is needed. The Franciscan orders were one of the greatest accomplishment by St. Francis of Assisi that still lives on today. They are the largest order in the Roman Catholic Church and strive to live a life according to the Gospel by giving up worldly possessions. The many separate orders within the Franciscan order can fit any lifestyle, whether you want to be a wandering priest or stay at home dad. By practicing the teachings of the Gospel, living humbly, and performing charitable acts, they hope to achieve the goal of living their lives in the way of the

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