Staff Development And Appraisal: National Association For The Education Of Young Children

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Staff development and appraisal refers to the improving of knowledge, skills or behaviours and attitudes or values in the early childhood workforce (National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), 2009). As early childhood educators, it is very important for us to continue our professional development so as to provide children and families with the best care and high-quality services (NAEYC, 2011). Principals play a major role in ensuring that her staff undergo staff development and appraisal from time to time so as to sharpen their skills which leads to an increased productivity of the preschool (Huge, 1977). Being a facilitator is one of the many roles that principals hold to cater for staff development and appraisal. The principal will come together with teachers to discuss professional development plan and facilitate teachers in the writing of their staff development action plan (Bloom, Sheerer & Britz, …show more content…

They mentor the teachers by giving advices and communicating results of observations. After observing the teachers, the principal will have to inform her teachers about her findings. In order to do so in an effective manner, she has to have a leader communication with her teachers. This means that the principal will share the information in a respectful manner as her main aim is to build trust, gain commitment from her teachers and improve her teachers’ skills and knowledge (Lim & Daft, 2004). Based on the interview, the principal will conduct a post conference with the teachers to inform them of their areas of improvement and skills in which they would like to upgrade. Furthermore, all the teachers’ received the feedbacks positively and view them as learning points. Therefore, this shows that the principal mentored her teachers during the post conference and used a respectful tone when delivering the information since her teachers have a positive outlook on the

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