
Stamp Act Summary And Analysis

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During the 1760’s, Britain needed to find a way to pay off their debt. This led to a reform that in part launched a plan designed by George Greenville (Schulz, 2013). Greenville’s plan was to implement acts that would help to pay off the nation’s debt. New acts, such as the Sugar, the Quartering, and the Stamp Act had colonists far and wide upset with Parliament. While each of these acts were disliked by colonists, none was as damaging as the Stamp Act.

The Stamp Act was put into place to mandate that all paper used for official purpose was stamp embedded paper. This included diplomas, marriage licenses, wills, newspapers, and even playing cards. Due to this act affecting both merchants and lawyers, there was a much higher …show more content…

This was a group that was put together from the representation of nine of the colonies. The congress was successful in formation even though it was illegal in the eyes of the Crown due to the fact that they did not have approval from British authority. However, they successfully convened in New York in October, one month before the bill was to go into effect. This was one of the first times the colonies collaborated as a single unit (Schultz, …show more content…

A group known as the Sons of Liberty was formed to handle these type of protests. These groups were responsible for many mob type attacks where stamp officials’ houses were burned, their effigies where hanged, and some were even tarred and feathered. These actions led to a complete shutdown of Stamp Act officials on US soil. These groups also protected the colonies from receiving stamped materials as they sent them back, destroyed them, or locked them up upon arrival.

Another group known as the Radical Whigs put pen to paper in an attempt to battle Parliament. Men such as James Otis, Patrick Henry, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Daniel Dulany all wrote official papers to oppose these type acts. However, not all colonists were opposed to Parliament’s actions.

In late 1765, the trade recession hit (Schultz, 2013). This somewhat ended the dispute with the repealing of the Stamp Act. However, the day the act was repealed, Parliament passed the Declaratory Act that gave them authority to legislate for the colonies in all situations. This was assuring evidence that Parliament had no intention of losing Colonial power.

Schultz, K. M. (2015). History of the United States I [video]. Retrieved

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