
Standardized Testing Persuasive Essay

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Standardized Test has become a huge issue throughout the United States over the past few of years. The testing is unnecessary because they rarely show what the students, parents, and teachers don’t already know. Considering students through standardized tests is an insignificant way with damaging consequences and should be substituted with performance-based assessments. Education serves a specific purpose. How can it achieve it under the conditions that currently occur? You apply the better portion of your early lifespan in a classroom, submitting to a classification of assessments and planning for additional exams to lastly graduate to greater things, continuously stressed and determined for the highest point. Through a firm series of standardized …show more content…

This illustrates for you that standardized tests like the abovementioned Ohio Graduation Test are actually discouraging graduation. These tests do not motivate a student to succeed; instead, they steer them in the opposite direction. Failing to complete high school is a tragic but not uncommon mistake in the present world. Employers look down upon adults who have not received a high school education. Colleges will not consider them for their services. Lower wages and unemployment sit among the list of obstacles that the decision to drop out often creates. Would you want this to be the fate for your own son or daughter, or your friend? The problem will persist as long as the system of standardized testing is in place. You possess a certain concern for students nationwide, who have the potential to make something successful of themselves. Take responsibility in making this happen. It is essential for students to discover the careers that suit their personalities and abilities at an early age. They do this through exploring the available options. It is the duty of the schools to make this possible. Performance-based assessments will contribute to the realization of this goal. Your part in the process is to decide where you will stand and support your beliefs with a clear voice. You are the parents, the students, and the inspired leaders of a nation whose educational system is deterred by the crack that standardized tests have formed. This is a case of reordering misplaced goals. Are you going to help be apart of the

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