Django Unchained Film Analysis

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Introduction ‘Django Unchained’, as a very well-known film released in recent year, has at the same time aroused a series of controversies. One of the controversial points is the question from Calvin (the white master played by Leonardo DiCaprio). In the scene when those main characters are having their lunch, Calvin asked ‘I spent my whole life surrounded by black faces, why don 't they kill us’. As my opinion, this question can be greatly answered by the ‘state apparatus’ suggested in Althusser’s article. In view of this, I would like to discuss about Althusser’s theory about ‘ISAs’ in the following paragraphs, and more importantly, applying it to find if there are certain kind of ‘state apparatus’, ‘ideology’ or ‘subjected subject’ embodied in ‘Django’. Body paragraph First, it is very essential to attain a clear understand of Althusser’s ‘ISAs’ system. The ‘State’, as you may know that, is in …show more content…

Say for example, the government, police and even the prisons into the RSAs in that they are functioning by repression and force. However, according to Althusser’s perspective, there is also a new form of ‘state apparatus’ which is other than the Marx ‘RSAs’, which is namely, the ‘Ideological state apparatus’. What is mean by the apparatus in ideological form here is in a large extent differing from the definition of the RSAs in the way they function themselves but not their common purpose. To put it simply, how Althusser distinguished the ‘ISAs’ from the ‘RSAs’ is via arguing that the former tends to work in a relatively smooth manner by instilling ideology into mass minds while the latter inclined to enslave the

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