'State Of The Union' For Canada's Used Car Industry

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What is the "state of the union" for Canada's used cars industry? Well, it depends on whether you're a buyer--or one of many car dealerships. That said, let's go over some used car buying tips for those Canadians.

First of all, it's not that simple for Canadians to get useful information about buying used cars in their own territory or province. As most of the web sites original in the U.S. with sponsorship by car dealerships and auto part and service companies, not too much in the way of information is available--that is until now. Here're our top six tips of advice for buying used cars in Canada.

1- Deal With Canadian-oriented online sites mostly--assuming you're intentions are to go to buy your used cars in Canada. Some of the newest online …show more content…

Currently, Canada has several "lease breaking" online help sites waiting to get you out of that lease--legally.

4- There are several U.S. companies that are now selling warranties in Canada, so check these out as well as Canadian companies.

5- Prepare yourself by getting as much pricing information as possible--before going to any car dealerships. And be sure to get the dealer invoice price, rebates and manufacturer's price instantly online. Having this information in a folder when you go to a showroom helps getting the lowest price on your new used car.

6- Do your homework, research and don't plunge into anything. Resisting intimidation tactics and letting the car dealer you're about to "walk" may give the salesmen room for re-thinking their strategy to getting you to accept a car with terms that they want. Especially helpful is to spend a few extra dollars to get the possible buy's vehicular history from an online source.

Taking advantage of the dynamics of data and information web sites about vehicle usage and previous owners, accidents, auto specs, discounts, a car's quality and overall performance since it was first manufactured, will give a buyers even greater leverage against dealership