Stateline By Sylvester Bascom

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Stateline, is a book about a murder of a rich soon to be groom. The groom, Sylvester Bascom, was the son of a very rich man, John Bascom, who was head of the Bascom Lumber empire. The main character, Dan Reno, is quite the card. He is a private investigator, that isn’t afraid to break the law when he has to. Dan was in town for the wedding, because the bride to be, is his ex-girlfriend’s little sister, and her family still loved him. Drinking at the bar, Dan gets into a tussle with a man that was obviously on steroids, named Sven Osterlund. After that night, Sylvester Bascom was murdered, and John Bascom is paying Reno to find out who did it, 50,000 dollars up front. If Reno can identify the killer before the police, Reno will be awarded another …show more content…

Stateline will keep you on your toes throughout the entire book. The characters in the book are very well supported and are very developed. However, there is so much detail I found myself confused at times on which character was being talked about. Stateline is a very fast-paced well written plot that will keep you awake all night long, many incidents in the book are shocking and left me upset or mad, but it made the story go even further into depth of what it’s like to be thrown into the mix of a murder, drug and deviant sex ring. As Dan investigates the murders, from the beginning, it doesn’t seem like there are a variety of reasons of why Sylvester was murdered, but as the story unfolds there are …show more content…

Although the story is well developed, the author Dave Stanton, gives us enough information to form our own hypothesis, but not enough information to just draw out who was the killer. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes murder- mysteries, detective books. If you can handle the very vulgar and crude language that is. After I read this book, I decided I wanted to finish the series because the characters just grow on you. This story was really believable, as drugs, sex, greed, and corruption seem to surround us in our daily lives. You see it everywhere, TV, magazines, newspaper articles, books, it is just

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