Statement Of Purpose: Life After High School

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In not more than 500 words, discuss how your experiences and achievements in both athletics and academic pursuits have prepared you for life after high school

Success after high school is dependent on many factors. Determination, focus, resilience, intelligence, commitment, and attitude are few of the many factors that contribute to this new life. While studying and good grades can get you through your classes, characteristics provided by sports can provide the proper motivation to do well in everything.
Every day is filled with studying and complete concentration. Through cross country, I learned to focus on my goals and not get distracted by tiredness and doubt. Every season, I embraced my determination and used it to push me through my …show more content…

I am glad that I have used my experiences, both academic and athletic, to make myself a better person. Medical school will be expensive and difficult, but with my traits and experiences, I can make it through.
What qualities do you think best describe you? How have you used these qualities to improve the lives of others? Feel free to use examples from your life that illustrate these qualities.
How will the scholarship money enable you to continue to exhibit these qualities in the future? (not to exceed 500)

Empathy towards others is a difficult trait to possess. I try my best to be understanding toward others and use my optimism and kindness to help them. Not only do I help others when needed, but I aspire to make everyone be as happy as they can be. Frequently, I am told that I can always be seen with a smile on my face. Although it may be small, a smile or a simple kind gesture can make anyone’s day better. Making a difference in other’s lives, no matter how small, is important to me. I do numerous large and small deeds for anyone who needs help. I use my abilities ranging from intelligence and creativity, to physical capabilities in order to help others as much as I am able to. In the past, I have volunteered at numerous events. These events include the Special Olympics at SIUE, Camp Invention, Tour de Belleville, and a local food kitchen for the homeless. Throughout my years volunteering at the Special Olympics, my job has varied from …show more content…

Soon, I learned I was not comfortable with this new teaching style. I was forced to undertake a new method of learning, self-teaching. It was incredibly difficult at first, but I slowly learned the best ways to teach myself. While I cannot say my year was flawless, I developed new skills and learned things outside of the College Chemistry curriculum. I am glad to say that experience was beneficial not only in academics, but also in experiencing difficulties. On a larger scale, working towards medical school will be one of my life’s greatest hardships, but I am glad to have had the opportunity to experience this smaller challenge to better prepare myself for the