
Statement Of Purpose: The National Honors Society

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Throughout my high school career, I’ve had multiple opportunities to achieve my personal goals and follow a legacy that my parents created when they themselves were in high school. Some parts of this legacy being my mom joining band, which was a driving factor for me to also try an instrument and my dad’s academic excellence that continues to motivate me to this day. Among their accomplishments was one important group that they both were a part of: The National Honors Society. They both really enjoyed the society and it had a positive influence on both of their lives. I would also like to be a part of NHS due to the role it played in my parents’ academic careers/lives, the fact that I could be in an environment where I could help other students, and to gain an edge on college applications. …show more content…

On the other hand, my mother was a good student and held a good rank in her high school, but being in the society was different for her because it functioned as a way to celebrate her achievements along with her friends’ achievements instead of just recognizing good grades. The society was also a point that both of my parents bonded over in college when they first met each other. Due to these different functions of the society and the way that it allowed my parents to bond I feel that being a part of the society would be extremely beneficial, since I could recognize my own achievements during high school and I would get the opportunity to recognize/congratulate my friends on their achievements as well. Being in the society could also help me create new relationships later in life, which I believe is an important function of clubs or

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