Stephen King On Writing Essay

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The crafted memoir of Stephen King “on writing”, starts off as an autobiography of several tales of inspirational breakthroughs and unfortunate mishaps. “On writing” recollected with me, From a young age, Stephen King learned the reality of the real world. Though I was much older than Stephen King when my parents had separated I too dealt with the same circumstance. Though I wish i've had the geniuses of Dave King or the talent of Stephen King. My mother didn't just separate with my father, but with her own children. My father struggling to make ends meat for his 5 kids he too, like Nellie Stephens mother had to make sacrifices. My father became a very busy man I hardly ever got to see him, like Stephen I grew up with lots of sitters. Ordinarily …show more content…

According to Stephen King creativity doesn't come from having a fancy office or desk. Though I wish I was blessed by a fairy gifting me the talent of writing creative stories, or just having the gift of having real imaginative thoughts or original ideas, especially in the field of artistic work. To catch those purest moments of creativity stephen king reveals that just shutting off the television, cell phone or anything electronic can enhance your work of writing. From what I learned so far if I take time to read I can begin to learn from writers. Everything from their style of writing. I can get a feel of what kind genre that fits me. Just as long I can shut the door isolate the real word from my head space. In the meantime i'll get to place where there will be no need to stress or dig for ideas to eventually come to me but more …show more content…

What Stephen king means about “dig” the writers must grab the tools from their own toolbox to bring creative light to a story. It must be realistic or relic to something from a pre-existing world. This idea helped Stephen to succeed with his career. Stephen can't stress this enough in order to achieve greatness, again you must not have any distractions. Usually it can take Stephen King about three months to write a book just about a season. For instance television, phones or any electronics should be out of sight. Accordingly Stephen found it best to find an area with doors, close doors to help inspire writing. If you don't have the time to read, then you don't got time to write or the tools to write. In the land of fiction, there isn't a reason to be obsessed over grammar. The object of fiction isn’t grammatically correcting but to make the reader welcome and then tell a story. Therefore, don't try to make yourself sound better it won't make sense. Be true to yourself, Stephen refers to this as sticking to your own style. The most helpful tool “On Writing”, is the reinsurance of the word count just write a word at a time. Another helpful tool, is how not to drag a description. If there's too much then writer becomes

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