Washed up and stranded on an island and slowly losing his sanity having to resort to eating his legs for food.Survivor type is a story being told in a first person epistolary point of view. Which is necessity when writing in the form of letters or a journal if it’s meant to be senn by one person. Stephen King wrote his short story “Survivor Type” in first person epistolary because it is about a man recording his struggles of survival using journal entries. Stories are written in specific point of views for a reason.The story has to be in first person epistolary because it is dated entries “One variation on the multiple first-person narrator pov ises the epistolary technique-the story is presented as a series of letters exchanged between characters.”Writing …show more content…
When starting out as a normal functional person is usually good. But seeing the character start to lose his sense of reality helps to tell alot about him/her.“Using an unreliable narrator forces the writers to create two versions of the truth, a steep challenge, but if the POV is handled well, the results can be quite intriguing.” Writing fiction (85). Becoming unreliable is a strange occurance to see happen in stories especially when the character doesn't start out as such. “ you … deserve...a break today... soo get up and get away… to McDonald’s… two all beef patties… special sauce… lettuce...pickles...onions….on a...sesame seed bun… Dee...Deedee... dundadee…” King Survivor type(15). Richard starts to lose his mind weather its due to starvation or the heroin he takes to reduce pain. He need to reduce the pain because he started to amputate his own body parts for food. A first person unreliable narrator is better suited for the situation because its clearer to see when he gets off track and writes down random nonsense with nothing to do with anything to do with any situation. Writing in first person helps get a better understanding of a character