Stephen Paddock Research Paper

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This past Sunday, October 1st, now marks the day of the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers during a country concert in Las Vegas. Paddock killed 59 people and injured more than 500 from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. Paddock ended his own life before authorities were able to reach him. According to the police, Paddock had close to 23 firearms in the hotel suite and even more firearms located in his home. Police are still investigating Paddock’s motive for the attack and believe that there was “no connection with an international terrorist group”. Paddock had no criminal record and was described kindly by his brother, …show more content…

Stephen Paddock broke the norm of society by deciding to end the lives of innocent people, which is considered murder by law. If Paddock had not ended his own life, he would have, more than likely, faced incapacitation. He would have been arrested and spent the rest of his life in prison or could have possibly faced execution for his crimes. He probably would not of had the option of rehabilitation because of the extent of his crime was so severe and cruel. More people would have hoped to see retribution and harsh penalties inflicted upon Paddock, rather than rehabilitation. Police are still investigating Paddock’s reasoning behind this deviant and violent act. Paddock has very little to no criminal background, so the authorities cannot easily see where this deviant mentality in Paddock came from. The authorities have released statements to the public claiming that Paddock had no connections to international terrorist groups. In response to this, the public has claimed that Paddock was a terrorist, regardless of his past or religious affiliation. Many people have claimed that this violent crime, regardless of his skin color or religion, makes him a

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