Steps To Respect Study Guide

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Running Head: Steps to Respect 1

Steps to Respect
Rebecca Nicole
Bay Path University

Running Head: Steps to Respect 2
The Program I found is called Committee for Children, “The Steps to Respect.” This program works with administrators understanding their bullying policies and procedures, while implementing a baseline using surveys and previous data to track progress. Next, all adults including teachers, bus drivers and cafeteria workers are trained on how to recognize and deal with bullying. Once the foundation is laid out they begin teaching these lessons in the classrooms. Children will learn how to make friends; understand and recognize feelings and report bullying.
The program guide offers three level skill units and 11 lessons. Level One Level Two Level Three
Lesson One Friendship Begins with respect Friendship Calls for Respect Friendship
Lesson Two Making conversation and finding things in common Finding and making friends Conflict between friends
Lesson Three Joining in Joining a group Are you mad at me?
Lesson Four What is bullying? Recognizing bullying Recognizing conflict
Lesson Five Standing up for yourself Put-Downs hurt Bodies and Bullying
Lesson Six Refusing to be bullied Refusing bullying …show more content…

“The more secure a child’s attachment to a nurturing adult, the more likely that the child will develop good relationships with others” (Papalia, Martorell, 2015). These children who bully did not have a very nurturing childhood. These parents did not take the time to show their children love, affection, good communication skills and cognitive competence. Instead these children may have been mistreated, ignored, abused or neglected. “Bullying may reflect a genetic tendency toward aggressiveness combined with environmental influences, such as coercive parents and antisocial friends” (Berger, 2007). These patterns tend to show as early as kindergarten, which is why this is a great program for early