Stereotypes In The Glee Show

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At a first glance, a show with such an incredibly diverse cast could not possibly display any set stereotypes. However, the way in which the show portrays the minorities is not only extremely stereotypical, but also sets a bad example for the millions of teens who watch it by being demeaning and offensive towards minorities. The characters of Mike Chang, Tina, and Kurt Hummel specifically demonstrate the stereotypical nature of the show. The popular series focuses on projecting out-dated stereotypes rather than challenging them. A large part of the story-line follows the kindling relationship of Glee Club members Mike Chang and Cohen-Chang. The two teenagers are both of Asian descent and the creators of the show never let us forget that for a second. The creators of the show constantly use a series of wink-wink racist jokes about how they’re only dating one another because of their race. Although Tina attacks the claim by saying, “Because we're both Asian? That's racist,” the couple themselves pokes fun at that concept, showing the young viewers that it is okay to joke around when it comes to stereotyping others (Murphy). This is why the show has such a controversial reputation. The convictions and methods …show more content…

However, it is those kids who do the majority of the judging and mocking. It is crucial in our day and age for kids to be taught to respect others and is equally crucial for them to not be exposed to the judgement and hate that this world has. Media and television have such a profound effect on youth in our society, so the underlying discernment that is evident in almost every episode of the smash hit Glee is toxic for this generation of adolescent children. While minorities Mike Chang, Tina Cohen-Chang, and Kurt Hummel only contribute a negative perception of minorities, therefor the show should not be aired or available for