
Stereotypes Of The Mormon Culture

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This essay will cover Mormon culture. The first topic in the essay will be the history of Mormon culture where we talk about the founders of the Mormon culture and how the culture was created. The next topic is about their own guidelines on clothing in the Mormon culture. The three topic are the rules about marriage/dating in the culture. The fourth topic is how the Mormon culture has incredibly become involved in politics in the last few years. The fifth topic is all about taboos in the Mormon culture. The sixth and final topic in the essay talks about the stereotypes of the Mormon culture. The first image used for the essay a blog photo that shows the first Mormon prophets of the culture and the newest prophets. The second image is a photo …show more content…

In the article The Mormon Beliefs and Practices on Dating and Marriage states “Another Mormon Practice on dating is to avoid getting frequent dates with the same person, especially if you are still in your teenage life” (The Mormon Beliefs and Practice on Dating and Marriage, 2020).Nowadays dating is so different than the old days and the Mormon culture beliefs and practices on dating is like the old days because they can also not date till, they are 16 years old, and they must have someone older than them with them on the dates. In the article The Mormon Beliefs and Practice on Dating and Marriage states “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches its members to marry one person at a time, which is monogamy. But our friends outside the faith are confused because they sometimes hear that “Mormons” practice polygamy — the marriage of more than one woman to the same man — which is also true” (The Mormon Beliefs and Practice on Dating and Marriage, 2020).People that are not involved with the Mormon culture think the practice of polygamy is the worst thing ever because if you are not in the religion then you will think of it as cheating and not normal. The Mormon culture beliefs and practices on dating are quite different from the “normal” dating that we know today because of the crazy rules they have and the things they can do in the marriage in the culture. One thing that has become popular in Mormon culture the past few years is politics and being involved in

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