Steve Jobs did not take to heart his resignation from "Apple." He immediately plunged into the development of a new concept, which was to introduce the latest microprocessor technologies into the education system. Stephen Jobs created a new workstation, operating models of economic processes and used in training. His charismatic personality and enthusiasm attracted many followers from "Apple." However, his greatest achievement in the course of this work was a huge flow of funds from investors. He attracted investors with a personal example, investing $ 15 million. in the new company "NEXT". Steve Jobs did this colossal work between 1985 and 1988. The apogee was the presentation in October 1988 of a new computer - a super show at the Davis Symphony …show more content…
"Newsweek" called it "Mr. Chip" (Mr. Microchrome) In 1989, the magazine "Inc." in his anniversary issue (10th anniversary) honored him with the honorary title "Entrepreneur of the Decade." Steve Jobs became a true innovator and found himself in this life. He was only thirty-four when he was alone again on the threshold of a second pioneering success. On March 20, 1991, the wedding of Steven Jobs and the Stanford student Laura Powell took place in Yosmit …show more content…
The philosophy of Steve Jobs is this: "My path is the best way." This philosophy is available only to those who have a great faith in themselves, which most often grows out of uncertainty. This belief, or "willpower", allowed him to feel the right and timely way. If the question arose whether to follow your intuition or rely on the opinions of specialists, he always chose intuition and relied on his willpower. This is the classic way of creative individuals, and, probably, this is what they oppose themselves to specialists with a pessimistic way of thinking. The image of specialists' thinking is opposed to the way of thinking of innovators. They protect the "status quo". Therefore, the innovator considers any opinion of experts to be jaded. Steve Jobs was extremely radical about the opinion of experts and acted only according to his own rules, in an autocratic, and sometimes even hostile manner, challenging the establishment. Steve Jobs constantly increased his autocratic power and therefore achieved extraordinary success. His ability to persuade was legendary. One of the reporters after talking to Steve Jobs said that he "can influence reality by effort of