The “Making a Murder” television series is a series that focuses on a small town crime that goes nationwide. Steven Avery is the main focus in the series. A man that is apart of a family owned business is convicted of a crime that he did not commit. He still served his sentence until the justice system realized their mistake. Although he was innocent of the crime, it still left the man with a bad reputation. Steven Avery was determined to make the justice system pay for all the years of life he missed out on. He experienced the divorce of his wife, and not being able to see his children. No amount of money could get that back, but he still wanted money for being locked away for 18 years. Mr. Avery began to pursue a court case to get money from the government to pay for what they did to the man who was thought to be guilty of sexually assaulting a woman. The court soon grew to be known nationwide. People could not believe the justice system could have locked up a man who was innocent. It was almost to his court hearing to get $400,000 back. Then something tragic happened to Mr. Avery. A woman named Theresa Halbach was reported missing, and was last seen at Stevens residence. He was now a suspect for a new crime. …show more content…
The very long and gruesome court case was set to prove Mr. Avery was guilty of murdering Theresa Halbach. It was a very controversial case that went on for many years. Evidence pointed to Steven has the murder, and then some said he could not have possibly murdered her. Steven Avery was not the only person involved in the murder case. Stevens nephew, Brendan Dassey, was also brought into the mix. A boy who lacked intelligence was falsely accused of assisting Steven in the heinous crime. Brendan ended up giving prosecutors a coerced confession. It was a very confusing case, but Steven and Brendan were convicted of the