Traffic Steven Soderbergh Analysis

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Steven Soderbergh’s famous movie, Traffic (2000) provides viewers with heavy insight at the “war on drugs” in the United States. It discusses this international drug issue through three twisted stories. The first story is mainly set in Mexico City and other parts of the country, in which a new “drug czar” of Ohio state Supreme Court, Robert Wakefield (Michael Douglas), is appointed. As Wakefield tries to cope with his new position under difficult circumstances, and because he is away from his family for long periods of time, his sixteen-year-old daughter, Caroline become addicted to crack cocaine, but what’s unusual about Caroline is that she’s an honor student and National Merit Finalist.
The second story takes place between the small-town …show more content…

The first problem is that Robert Wakefield, has no experience and has very little knowledge about the war and how to fight it. The second problem is that Robert Wakefield finds out that most drugs comes from Mexico, and despite the fact that we spend 3000 trillion dollars on fighting this war, we still didn’t do a lot in terms of stopping it. The third problem is that there’s no czar on the other side in Mexico, which means that there’s nobody who’s fighting this war on the other side. In addition, on his way back from a trip he took with several the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA), Law Enforcement, and Military Officials, Robert Wakefield finds out that there’s no one from treatment on the plane; and also no one on this plane seems to have any idea on how to fight this war. Another problem is the high temptation in Mexico to sell drugs because they don’t pay like U.S pay to their employees. However, the director of this film is trying to apply that the government isn’t focused on the supply side. On the other hand, on the demand side the problem is that kids are rich, they don’t work, school is too easy, they go home and it’s empty, don’t have a good relationship with their parents so they get addicted easily (e.g.