The Influence Of Stigma On Mental Health

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In Australia, mental health problems are among the heaviest burden of disease, and depression and anxiety are among the most prevalent of these disorders. Throughout history, fear and rejection has existed alongside mental illness causing stigma, prejudice and discrimination against people suffering from such conditions, making them one of the most ostracised groups in society. Because of this, people with mental health problems avoid help and treatment which hinders recovery leading to social isolation, adverse health outcomes and poor quality of life. Stigma has been a matter of priority because of how it affects an individual and an entire community. It has different forms and they all interrelate with each other, each contributing to the other and intensifying the …show more content…

However, about 70 per cent of those diagnosed receive no treatment nor seek the appropriate medical help for their mental health problems and illnesses (Thornicroft, 2008; Schomerus & Angermeyer, 2008). Evidence has demonstrated that the most compelling reasons for this are: lack of knowledge about mental disorders and illnesses; ignorance about available access to assessment and treatment; stigma and prejudice against those suffering from mental disorder or illness; and, anticipated discrimination against people diagnosed with mental disorder or illness (Thornicroft, 2008). Among these, stigma and discrimination have been recognised as the major deterrents or barriers to help-seeking and social inclusion for people with mental health disorders (Semrau, Evans-Lacko, Ashenafi & Thornicroft,