Stimulus Material The Historian As Participant

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In the year 2018 journalism is all around us, from professional journalism that we see on television and on newspapers, to simply a teenager starting a blog or pulling out their phone to film when something exciting happens. It envelopes us and shapes our community. President Donald Trump is also very critical towards In a society where social media is on the rise it is extremely easy to find out what is happening throughout the world, and even take it upon yourself to become what is known as a citizen journalist. The stimulus material The Historian as Participant has also given much insight to the reliability of journalism and the the impact that it has on our society. Throughout this stimulus material, Schlesinger suggests that a historian becomes more biased the closer they are to the time period that they are discussing. This is because it is extremely difficult to remain unbiased and impartial in many situations throughout history, since humans are hard-wired to involuntarily have opinions. When both experienced and inexperienced journalists begin to report news without the proper education the truth starts to become blurred even further. …show more content…

Citizen journalism has opened the door to job opportunities for citizens who may not have obtained a high enough education to succeed in the competitive job market that America is faced with. Social media is a free outlet that anyone can use with access to a cell phone or computer, and allows anyone to freely discuss hard-pressing subjects that many news networks may be afraid or unsure how to unbiasedly cover (Martin, 2017, p. 41). Although jobs are being taken away from experienced traditional journalists, they have a better chance of finding new jobs, because of their many years of experience and education. Whereas, citizens are now able to obtain new careers because of the ever-growing popularity of citizen

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