Stories Of Attraction To The Female Gender

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Stories of attraction towards the female gender have dated back from the biblical Adam and Eve to modern day pop culture. It seems like this phenomenon; the desire for the one female that a man seeks to win over is naturally a part of our human sub-consciousness. This attraction is both emotional, and sexual. It is sexual by human nature and is psychologically operated by the libido, and is inevitably emotional, to satisfy the human heart plus religiously, the soul. What binds us to someone, whether the emotions are one sided or shared, still has no ground explanation; therefore, making love and attraction a very big mystery to each and every one of us. However, marriage contracts and religious laws do not stop an individual from being drawn to the spouse of another. Without generalizing however, this observable fact happens to both sexes. This paper takes into account the male gender specifically and discusses social phenomena; the emotional conflicts that result from social barriers such as marriage contracts, and then moves on to philosophically engage the idea of love and attraction. …show more content…

To elaborate more on the topic at hand, the first idea should be explained more. Throughout history women have been seen as a complex existence to the male gender and due to that have been mostly stripped of equal rights and were a big prize for a man when marriage is in place. This is seen in ancient societies predating Islam where women have been veiled to mask their beauty, and where penalties for illegal intercourse were much harsher on women than on men. Morally one would object to the biased treatment of women, however, the explanation to why these actions and attitudes exist